Rust book - RefCell

  • Interior Mutability: mutate a variable when there are immutable references to that data inside an unsafe block, and wrap it in a safe API and the outer type is still immutable

  • RefCell enforces the borrow checker’s rules at runtime, whilst Box enforces at compile time

  • Read about “Halting Problem”

  • Designed to be used in single threaded scenarios

  • The interior mutability pattern can be used during tests, when a struct/functions takes in a immutable struct/reference. We can mutate the reference internally, but still pass as immutable reference.

trait MessageDispatcher {
    fn dispatch(&self, message: String);

struct MessageBuilder<'a, T: MessageDispatcher> {
    dispatcher: &'a T,

impl<'a, T> MessageBuilder<'a, T>
    T: MessageDispatcher,
    fn new(dispatcher: &'a T) -> Self {
        Self { dispatcher }

impl<'a, T> MessageBuilder<'a, T>
    T: MessageDispatcher,
    fn build_and_send_message(&self, name: &str) {
        let message = format!("Hello, {name}");


mod test {
    use std::{
        borrow::{Borrow, BorrowMut},

    use super::{MessageBuilder, MessageDispatcher};

    struct Messenger {
        message: RefCell<String>,

    impl Messenger {
        fn new() -> Self {
            Self {
                message: RefCell::new(String::from("")),

    impl MessageDispatcher for Messenger {
        fn dispatch(&self, m: String) {
            let mut message = self.message.borrow_mut();
            *message = m;

    fn test_build_message() {
        let messenger = Messenger::new();
        let builder = MessageBuilder::new(&messenger);

        assert_eq!(messenger.message.into_inner(), "Hello, Ian");
  • RefCell keeps track of the number of mutable and immutable references are active, in order to mimic the borrow checker, but in run-time. Same rules applies:

    • One mutable reference
    • Many immutable references
  • RefCell can be combined with Rc to create a mutable value with multiple owners