Rust book - Drop trait

  • Drop trait allows to run arbitrary code when value goes out of scope
struct MyStruct {
	data: String

impl Drop for MyStruct {
	fn drop(&mut self) {
		println!("dropping MyStruct");

fn main() {
	println!("before creating ms");
	let ms = MyStruct { data: String::from("hello world") };
	println!("after creating ms");
  • The sequence of logs displayed is the following:
> before createing ms
> after createing ms
> dropping MyStruct 
  • It is possible to drop values early using drop function from std::mem::drop, this can be useful when implementing locks, since the lock needs to be drop during the execution of the program, so another part of the program can get a hold of the lock.
struct MyStruct {
	data: String

impl Drop for MyStruct {
	fn drop(&mut self) {
		println!("dropping MyStruct");

fn main() {
	println!("before creating ms");
	let ms = MyStruct { data: String::from("hello world") };
	println!("after creating ms");
  • In this case the sequence of logs displayed is different, because ms goes out of scope early
> before createing ms
> dropping MyStruct 
> after createing ms